Healthy Treats for Dogs

Dog Treats - Natural Australian Jerky

Dishy Dogs Superfood products are made with the finest human-grade ingredients.  

Giving dog treats is more than an expression of love for our dog; it can be a critical component in dog training and rewarding good dog behaviour.

One of the reasons treats work so well in training, is because a dog's sense of smell is so unbelievable. Its important that treats are given as a treat and not in place of their meals. When giving your pet a treat it's imperative you select a natural, Australian product without preservatives, irradiation and no added salts or sugars or flavours. 

  • Australian grass-fed beef heart (healthy and nutritionally packed);
  • Australian beef ribs (healthy and great for teeth and entertaining your dog);
  • Australian beef straps (a great healthy chew);
  • Australian free-range chicken breast (great to indulge your dog just because they’re amazing!);
  • Australian free-range chicken feet (keeps your dog entertained and assist with cleaning teeth);
  • Australian free-range chicken wingtips and necks (assists with cleaning teeth);
  • Australian goat (nutritious and healthy);
  • Australian free-range kangaroo jerky (healthy, nutritious and delicious);
  • Australian free-range kangaroo kidney (healthy and nutritionally packed);
  • Australian free-range kangaroo tails (great to keep your pet busy whilst you are away)'
  • Australian lamb lung (delicious, healthy and nutritionally packed);
  • Australian pig ears (great to keep your pet busy whilst you are away);
  • Australian pig snouts (great to indulge your dog just because they’re amazing!);
  • Australian pork trotters (great to keep your pet busy whilst you are away)
  • Australian prawns (healthy, nutritious and delicious);
  • Australian wild-caught sardines (healthy, nutritious and delicious);
  • Australian wild-caught whitebait (great to indulge your dog just because they’re amazing!); and
  • Australian Tasmanian Salmon (great training treats for any age).